I’m a Broadcaster
TVadSync works with broadcasters and cable and satellite providers to deliver value added audience targeting solutions to their advertising clients.
It’s now an intelligent medium, providing mountains of data on what people are watching and when. We enable advertisers to capitalize on this major disruption, elevate their brands to new heights and vitalize their bonds with customers.
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We sort and match program data to Data and Keywords extracted from various data sources and create Smart Tribes that identifies not only WHAT people watch but WHY they watch it.
We use 1:1 cross-device and Intelligent Tribe Data to place targeted digital media ads.
Target elusive audiences, audiences that may not see your TV campaign, in order to make sure your message gets through. TVadSync’s incremental reach solution is the only offering in market that combines regression analysis with algorithmic bidding for economically deduplicated reach and convergent frequency management.
TVadSync matches tune-ins or web visitors to households and people who viewed TV or CTV promos or digital video / display media.
TVadSync reports on the performance through our census representative research panel